All of us have heard and know that candy “rots” our teeth, and I’m sure we all know by now that sipping on soft drinks does the same thing. This also goes for energy drinks. They are packed with sugar and caffeine. But one thing we don't think about is the carbohydrates that we consume such as: potato chips, breads, or innocent snacks like raisins, that we might give our children to eat between meals. Hey raisins are fruit, right?!
Well as dental professionals would explain to us, all of the foods like potato chips, raisins, cereals and breads (with higher starch and sugar contents) do tend to “stick or cling” to our teeth much longer after consumption then fresh fruit or cheese would. Bacteria that live in our mouths “eats” these foods, turning them into acids. Lack of tooth brushing combine with those acids, and our saliva form into sticky plaque. The acids in plaque erodes enamel, the strongest structural defense of our teeth, creating holes in the teeth which are called cavities. Our saliva helps to buffer the acid and keep our mouths as clean as possible, but regular brushing and flossing are a MUST to keep plaque from forming on our teeth and causing decay.
So the solution to less tooth decay would not be, no sweets or carbohydrates, but consumption of them at meal times and of course- regular tooth brushing! As we all know health of our mouths links to our overall health.
Do you all remember that old saying “ An apple a day keeps a doctor away”, could it possibly be “ An apple a day keeps a tooth decay away”?!?
Natural sugars and little to no starch content will be easier cleaned by our saliva which in turn causes less plaque and less decay… Happy Holidays!